Natural remedies

“Give up on perfection: it is not natural.” (Edith Eger)

Pestle and mortar grinding red peppercorns
Photo by Dovile Ramoskaite at Unsplash

Nature can provide us with herbs and nutrients to keep us in good health. Natural remedies don’t need to cost much and often all we need are small changes to our shopping list.

Your remedy may be a simple dietary change, a taking out or adding in.

It could be eating warmer or colder foods, both in temperature or by adding spices. It could be combining foods more appropriately, chewing foods for longer or becoming aware of how we eat and when we eat. It could be tweaking our daily timetable to allow for more exercise, fresh air and meditation or going to bed earlier or allowing time for going to the loo. And it could be taking a herbal prescription or nutritional supplement. We all have individual needs that need to be taken care of and so do those we live with so compassion and flexibility are all essential keys to health and wellbeing.

Information sheets

  Making time for food