Detox, fasting and weight loss

“It can be strongly said that the health of an individual is largely determined by the ability of the body to detoxify.” Joseph Pizzorno and Michael Murray, Encyclopedia of Natural Health

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Photo by Siora Photography at Unsplash

Industrialisation has brought us processed foods, pesticides and pollution of our air, land and water. Our sedentary, indoor and intense lifestyle has produced stress and emotional vulnerability. Western society’s perception of health has also adapted. We have made up a new vocabulary with accepted phrases such as the ‘middle age spread’ or ‘beer belly’. Clothing has also adapted around our larger sizes, adding the size ‘petite’ for those who have not yet evolved into larger beings!

We are exposed to toxins everywhere from the air we breathe to the foods we eat. Today’s exposure to contaminants is far higher than ever; according to the Chemical Society’s Chemical abstracts there are 300,000 new chemicals each year. We consume additives and contaminants in our food and water daily. It is also estimated that an average individual is exposed to 100 synthetic chemicals daily in our cosmetics, cleaning products, fuel, paints, pesticides, and phthalates found in plastics and cans. Our bodies also produce toxins as a by product of metabolism; endotoxins, if these aren’t eliminated they can irritate and inflame tissue and block normal functions, The liver acts as a filter to let nutrients pass whilst transforming toxins into safe substances that can be eliminated by the body. when the liver enzymes fail to break down the toxins they are stored in the liver and fatty tissue throughout the body.

In traditional cultures throughout the ages people have understood the need for internal cleansing, from saunas and sweat lodges to sea salt bathing and clay body masks. Regular fasting is an important part of many religions.

Detoxification of the body is essential to the healthy functioning of our bodies. The body cleanses itself in many ways, through sweating, sneezing, coughing, breathing out, peeing and pooing. During a cleansing programme or fast our digestive systems can take a break and our bodies can more easily build new cells, discard old cells and repair damaged cells. This is the healing process.

As part of your journey to health, I can advise you on a personal nutrition plan for weight loss or cleansing programme that takes into consideration your current health, lifestyle and financial position. Foods that may be helpful to others may not help you.

Information sheets

Small pair of balance scales Eat Right and Stay Slim

  Detoxing the body

Making time for food