
“I went to see Karen when I was having some considerable discomfort with my stomach and issues with indigestion, bowels and heartburn. I also wanted to be more in control of my weight and was struggling with menopausal emotions.
What was so wonderful when I had my first session with Karen was that I felt deeply listened to. This was not just a quick fix visit to a doctor who did not have time to listen to my needs. I was able to unpick all the issues that I felt were not balanced in my life, not just physically but emotionally.
I was given a diet plan and advice about eating habits as well as various herbs and supplements to take. To say that this advice was life changing sounds a bit dramatic but it was. The advice I was given did not just inform me for a period of time to fix my problems but has been something I have continued to do because of the benefits I experienced.
I no longer have any issues with my indigestion, bowels or heartburn and lost the weight that I wanted to and have kept that weight off. I am able to be in control of what I eat and if I slip (which I do, especially in winter) I know how to rectify it. My emotions are much more on an even keel and I feel the healthiest and fittest I have for years.
Huge thanks to Karen for all her care.” Heather in Derbyshire

“I was a client of Karen’s approximately two years ago. At the time I was struggling with anxiety, my weight and various other ailments. Karen gave me advice with regards to dietary changes that I could make and herbs that could aid me. One of the main ways she helped me was to help reframe my thoughts and told me to challenge any negative self talk that would arise. She gave me an example of how to do that too.
Karen is kind, approachable and generous with her time. Her help was invaluable. My life feels so different today to how it did then. I am more open and able to get involved in many things I would never have done previously. I rarely get anxious. My weight has gone down. Mainly though I am much kinder to myself.” Sofia in Leicester

“Karen’s treatment is holistic and, for me, involved simple changes that I could make to my daily routine and diet. Through following Karen’s advice I have developed new, healthy habits and have additional ideas that I can go back to and implement.” Rachel in Leicestershire